It’s Time For the Pivot

Above are three versions of my purpose: The Spiritual Healer, The Travel Junkie, and The Artist. I am multi-dimensional and great at a lot of things. I chose not to limit myself to one career, which has been challenging to navigate because once people know you as one thing, they find it harder to see you as anything other than that. This has made work exceptionally difficult for me to get in all aspects because of people's limiting beliefs and desires to put my life in a box.

As a healer, I am qualified because I have 13 years of Human Resources experience. My whole job is to help figure out if people are in alignment with a job or a work culture. I used my discernment daily while cultivating a very confidential existence. I was sworn to confidentiality and knew everyone's income, when they were getting let go, and how they performed on the job. It was painful to see the problems but not be able to help people fix them. It taught me to be a Human Resource on a healing level, as I knew I wasn't meant to work for another company ever again. I enjoy entrepreneurship, and my skills are helpful from a spiritual capacity and as my SERVICE income.

This second one is tricky to explain. Part of my pivot required me to live unapologetically, truthfully, and vulnerably. I haven't found a more fulfilling way of sharing my self-care practices with the world. Travel has become a big part of healing and sharing my life with the world. It's a newer form of income, giving others (you) a better view of who I truly am. I won't explain how I currently make money from this venture, as it is still quietly growing. The important part to know is that it's my PURPOSE income.

Finally, there's the arts. I am an actress, writer, producer, and painter. From my first solo at eight years old to my entire entertainment career, I have excelled at these. This is my PASSION income. How I make money this way is self-explanatory. 

It's becoming increasingly clear that we can't rely on a single source for our livelihood. In fact, we can only depend on some of our resources from one place. Our modern economy demands that we diversify our purpose and finances, a crucial step towards stability and success. 

What does this mean? It means the world understands that purpose is not based on profession, but a profession can help highlight your purpose.

I have hit many roadblocks, especially in the last five years, that have required me to diversify my purpose. Living in a world where financial stability exists is becoming harder to come by. Here are a few tips to help you figure out how to pivot and focus your finances on multiple income streams.

  1. Know your purpose. "Getting money" is not enough and doesn't make you happy. What sets your soul on fire? What can you do for hours and get lost in? What do people tell you that you do well? 

  2. Make a plan. A dream without a plan is just a wish. If you need help to manifest your purpose and/or expand it, ask for help. 

  3. Follow-through on the business. Now, it's time to make the plan. Here is where you make long and short-term goals that will help you grow your business(es)

  4. Collaborate. Find someone to help keep you accountable and be that for the other person. None of us can do it alone. 

  5. Start before you're ready. You will never be ready to start or expand something new. There is no perfect time to begin changing your life. Move, even if you have fear. Your pockets and your spirit will thank you later.

This works because it's worked for me. Don't miss the message just because you don't want the messenger. What purpose are you pivoting towards? How do you want to diversify your opportunities?


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