Maya Lynne Robinson Maya Lynne Robinson

The Fastest Retrograde of My Life

This was the biggest retrograde of my life, and it all started on Valentine’s Day. It’s time to start talking! Okay, so I was waiting for my manager to meet me for a chat and had some time to waste. I decided to grab a margarita and some tacos near her office at Don Coco’s. I sat next to a woman with a deep, gravelly voice. I told her I liked her voice, and she said thank you. There was another woman there, her daughter, who has been the personal assistant of A LOT of A-List celebrities. What do you do?, I asked her. She said, I’m a realtor.

I had been debating whether I would sell my house, and I saw this as a blaring sign. It’s time. It was like a 2-for-1 special. They could sell my house, help me stage it, and take pictures for potential buyers. They also understood that I am highly spiritual and that having a bunch of unhealthy energy wandering through my house made me feel unsafe. We made it for Appointment Only. My realtor, understanding how private I am, was at every appointment that day, making sure to answer questions and that people didn’t touch my stuff. Bless her.

My house was on the market two days before it sold and for over my asking price. When it’s time, it’s time. When it’s right, it’s right. They also wanted an 18-day escrow, which put me out of my house on April 24th, just in time for the end of retrograde. Now, what did I learn from this experience?

Move Before You're Ready. There is and never will be a time when you are ready to make a big move, whether it's a residence, relationship, or self-improvement. The quicker you move, the quicker you get to the rewards. Also, my home was my comfort zone. It is the only place I have ever felt safe and at home. No one grows in their comfort zone. There would never be a good time to sell it for that reason. And so, to grow, it had to let it go.

Move in Silence. I was like a damn ninja. Only one neighbor, two friends, and my manager knew I was selling my home. The fewer people who know, the better. I also picked people who I knew would be able to help me during this time. I knew I wouldn't have the energy to put into people and asked GOD to clarify who could pour into me. Now, I'm a giver, so it's not selfish. I also didn't just take it; I asked if they had the capacity—also, the fewer people who know your business, the better.

Move On. I closed so many cycles during this period. Some people reached out, or I saw something I hadn't seen or thought about in a long time. (I still need to reach out to important people in my life, so take the shade only if it's meant for you.) Once communication resumed, I noticed how different I was and how energetically we no longer resonated with one another. It's okay to let go and grow. I couldn't take everyone with me. Some fear my success, some fear their own, but I had no room in my heart to take on anyone else's energy. Closing those cycles lifted my spirit and allowed beautiful things to blossom into Spring and my abundance!

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Maya Lynne Robinson Maya Lynne Robinson

It’s Time For the Pivot

Above are three versions of my purpose: The Spiritual Healer, The Travel Junkie, and The Artist. I am multi-dimensional and great at a lot of things. I chose not to limit myself to one career, which has been challenging to navigate because once people know you as one thing, they find it harder to see you as anything other than that. This has made work exceptionally difficult for me to get in all aspects because of people's limiting beliefs and desires to put my life in a box.

As a healer, I am qualified because I have 13 years of Human Resources experience. My whole job is to help figure out if people are in alignment with a job or a work culture. I used my discernment daily while cultivating a very confidential existence. I was sworn to confidentiality and knew everyone's income, when they were getting let go, and how they performed on the job. It was painful to see the problems but not be able to help people fix them. It taught me to be a Human Resource on a healing level, as I knew I wasn't meant to work for another company ever again. I enjoy entrepreneurship, and my skills are helpful from a spiritual capacity and as my SERVICE income.

This second one is tricky to explain. Part of my pivot required me to live unapologetically, truthfully, and vulnerably. I haven't found a more fulfilling way of sharing my self-care practices with the world. Travel has become a big part of healing and sharing my life with the world. It's a newer form of income, giving others (you) a better view of who I truly am. I won't explain how I currently make money from this venture, as it is still quietly growing. The important part to know is that it's my PURPOSE income.

Finally, there's the arts. I am an actress, writer, producer, and painter. From my first solo at eight years old to my entire entertainment career, I have excelled at these. This is my PASSION income. How I make money this way is self-explanatory. 

It's becoming increasingly clear that we can't rely on a single source for our livelihood. In fact, we can only depend on some of our resources from one place. Our modern economy demands that we diversify our purpose and finances, a crucial step towards stability and success. 

What does this mean? It means the world understands that purpose is not based on profession, but a profession can help highlight your purpose.

I have hit many roadblocks, especially in the last five years, that have required me to diversify my purpose. Living in a world where financial stability exists is becoming harder to come by. Here are a few tips to help you figure out how to pivot and focus your finances on multiple income streams.

  1. Know your purpose. "Getting money" is not enough and doesn't make you happy. What sets your soul on fire? What can you do for hours and get lost in? What do people tell you that you do well? 

  2. Make a plan. A dream without a plan is just a wish. If you need help to manifest your purpose and/or expand it, ask for help. 

  3. Follow-through on the business. Now, it's time to make the plan. Here is where you make long and short-term goals that will help you grow your business(es)

  4. Collaborate. Find someone to help keep you accountable and be that for the other person. None of us can do it alone. 

  5. Start before you're ready. You will never be ready to start or expand something new. There is no perfect time to begin changing your life. Move, even if you have fear. Your pockets and your spirit will thank you later.

This works because it's worked for me. Don't miss the message just because you don't want the messenger. What purpose are you pivoting towards? How do you want to diversify your opportunities?

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Maya Lynne Robinson Maya Lynne Robinson

Trust Your Intuition When It Comes to Love

Trust that you know when the love is right and when it’s wrong. I didn’t want this to be a love reading, but it was and I couldn’t deny it anymore. Many of us are healed past the previous people we were attracting into our lives. Now, we are at a place where we can quickly weed out those who are for our higher good from those who want to keep you stuck in toxic cycles. This can be romantic, platonic or familial love, though most of us are currently focused mostly on the romantic side.

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Maya Lynne Robinson Maya Lynne Robinson

…Unless We Get a Little Crazy

MAYA LYNNE ROBINSON on a jetski in Cabo.

Crazy is a song that the singer, Seal wrote in 1990. According to Wikipedia, the song was inspired by the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989. Seal said’ “ I felt the cycle had reached an apex. I felt the world changing and I felt profound things happening.

I feel you, Seal. Going to Cabo was my little bit of crazy.

That song has not popped into my head in years and all of a sudden… POP! I began to ask myself why and the answer was, “It’s that time again.” We are in a new cycle. The world is changing and we have got to get a little crazy to survive. What does that mean? Here are HEALTHY ways of getting a little crazy.

  1. Jump the hell out of your comfort zone. Be bold. Do something different or daring to you. Don’t worry about what others think, only if it made you feel better. Maybe you jump out of a plane, go on a solo vacation clear across the world or start that business you’ve been thinking about.

  2. Focus on self. Run your race. Stop looking back or to the side; worried about what other people are doing or where they are going.

  3. Be indifferent to criticism. As you know if you’ve been reading my blogs, I cannot stand the “I Don’t Care” statement.

  4. Be unpredictable. People get really comfortable when they think they know what you are going to do next. Never let anyone think they know everything about you. Never taell your left hand what your right hand is doing. Share, but not everything. Everyone doesn’t deserve all of you.

  5. Keep caring about being of service to others. We live in a world where people do not care about people unless they can do something for them. If you are offended by this statement or feel the need to fuss about it, I’m talking specifically to you.

Keep growing because that’s the only way you’re going to keep glowing. It’s not enough to be the teacher, you have to be willing to look crazy as the student with the mess-ups and the mishaps along the way. Somewhere along the way, we forgot that no one is perfect and we are allowed to make mistakes; that is how we learn.

What are you going to do for yourself to get a little crazy?

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Maya Lynne Robinson Maya Lynne Robinson

I Don’t Care: How to Respond with Facts Not Feelings

There’s a reason the phrase “I don’t care.” is bullshit. You do care. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t feel the need to say it. What you really mean or want to mean is, “I care, but it will not make me behave any differently because you don’t approve of what I’m doing or who I am.” It’s the use of logic over emotion, a trait I recently mastered after practicing self-isolation for a month.

Maya Lynne Robinson giving side eye to a stop sign.

Here are the steps I took:

  1. If you did not have to know my immediate whereabouts, you didn’t know them. The fewer people I tell my business to, the better. The more people know your plans, the more likely they are to accidentally, or on purpose, fuck up your plans. (This is a late-night blog post, so it’s getting real over here, lol.)

  2. I got still to get clear. Too many opinions from the peanut gallery had me second and third-guessing my choices. I was going against my intuition because people with certificates and qualifications to advise me weren’t for me. Instead of sitting with the advice and taking what resonates and leaving what doesn’t, I took all the advice because I didn’t allow myself to take a moment and think about the effects of their advice.

  3. I switched up my routine. This included switching everything from my mindset to the tasks and what time and order I did things every day. My comfort zone is where dreams go to die, and I no longer want predictability in my routine.

  4. I traveled more. I have made it my duty to leave the city once a month. Whether it’s a staycation an hour away or across the world, I talk to strangers, and we become friends. I have open and honest discussions about our differing beliefs and opinions. This choice has helped me most in not taking it personally when others don’t “get me.” 

So, the next time you find yourself saying, I don’t care, think about if that statement and way of thinking are true. If you don’t care, I need you to care and, first and foremost, practice self-care. You matter, and that is the opinion of the most significant importance. The trick is to train yourself to respond with facts, not feelings. 

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Maya Lynne Robinson Maya Lynne Robinson

Manifestation of My Ideal

You are what you attract. And back in the day, I was very quick to blame the men. But in recent year, I have found that I have to take full responsibility for who I attracted. I have free will. I could’ve seen the signs and walked away, yet I didn’t. And I had to ask myself why. To be honest, it was so simple. I didn’t have a set of standards for the men who wanted to pursue me. So, without rules and consequences, anything goess. They could behave any way they wanted to because I didn’t require anything. It was a gut punch to my spirit.

The day I realized this, I got out a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write a list of criteria for my ideal man.

  1. He must be good with his hands. The desire to want to build things, cook for me and rub my feet is strong.

You are what you attract. And back in the day, I was very quick to blame the men. But in recent year, I have found that I have to take full responsibility for who I attracted. I have free will. I could’ve seen the signs and walked away, yet I didn’t. And I had to ask myself why. To be honest, it was so simple. I didn’t have a set of standards for the men who wanted to pursue me. So, without rules and consequences, anything goess. They could behave any way they wanted to because I didn’t require anything. It was a gut punch to my spirit.

The day I realized this, I got out a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write a list of criteria for my ideal man.

  1. He must be good with his hands. The desire to want to build things, cook for me and rub my feet is strong.

  2. He must be affectionate. I deserve love in its physical form. He must love giving and receiving hugs, kisses and cuddles.

  3. Loyal. I do not want to worry about what he says or how he behaves when I am not in his presence. He will be virtuous in his words and actions.

  4. Teach me something. I have to be able to learn something that I don’t know from him, whether it’s a skill, activity or a way of thinking. He must expand my mind.

  5. Patient. I can be a handful. I am stubborn and you will be unable to control me, so give me grace when I have a lot going on.

  6. Kind. He must be a gentleman. He sees me as his partner not competition. He understands that sometimes I don’t want advice, just a safe space to share my problems.

  7. Funny. He has to make me snort when I laugh. He must be able to keep up with my wit and dry humor.

  8. In Therapy/Healing/Feeling. This should be self-explanatory. The world is very different since 2020 and if he hasn’t spoken to anyone professionally about how these changes are affecting him, then we are not going to be aligned.

  9. Wants a family. I want to have children someday and luckily for me, I put some eggs in the freezer. He can come with children into the relationship, but understand I want a child, as well.

  10. Financially Independent/Responsible. Also self-explanatory. I need a man who can take care of himself, his bills, with the ability to take a vacation 2-4 times a year.

  11. Honest. No more liars, Lord. I just ask that he tells me the truth, even if it hurts because if you were wrong to do whatever you did, you should be man enough to own up and be honest about it. Respect me enough to tell me the truth.

  12. Handsome. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I will know. With one look in the eye, I will see all of him- mind, body and soul.

There are other things on that list that are none of your business, but the big shareable stuff is here. A lady’s got to keep some things for herself.

What’s on your list? And if you don’t have one yet, what are you waiting for? Create one today! You can’t manifest if you don’t know what (or who) you’re looking for!

Sending light and love,

Maya Lynne

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Maya Lynne Robinson Maya Lynne Robinson

New logo, who dis?

2024 Live in Truth new logo

This picture of a spunky eclipse with a deep and vivacious purple lip color was the perfect, simple and fun logo to match me.

I know what you may be thinking, What is this? What kind of logo is this?! It’s exactly who I am- vivacious and deep, as a friend beautifully described me. I had used more practical words, such as wise and funny to describe myself. I look back at my previous logo and see where I played it practical.

In some ancient cultures, such as the Mayans and the Egyptians, solar eclipses were seen as powerful omens that signaled a time of great change and transformation. I would not call myself religious; I call myself spiritual. I am a balance of energies - masculine and feminine, dark and light, conscious and unconscious - much like the symbolism of an eclipse. When people are seeking a change or a balance in their lives, they reach out to me. And with my very plump, pouty and usually purple lip, I give you the tools to speak your truth into existence. That’s what I do. Also, with this new logo, my personality emerges. I hope you enjoy the new content and that it helps you live an authentic and happy life!

What was I thinking?

Sometimes we play it safe and end up trying to make something mainstream instead of as unique as we are.

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Maya Lynne Robinson Maya Lynne Robinson

Boss Vibes: The Importance Building with Integrity

I have worked, diligently, to surround myself with people that could help me manifest my dreams into reality. I didn’t understand that a boss could do it on their own. Of course, there is the help of God and my ancestors, but on the physical realm, it’s been me all along. People that I brought along the way taught me that they only wanted the benefit of what I could do for them without the reciprocity of actually helping me build. I’ve learned the lessons to turn my life into blessings. I have a new team and we are all on the same page. Here are three rules that I live by and hope helps others step into their Boss Era.

Maya Lynne Robinson taking in the sun

I have worked, diligently, to surround myself with people that could help me manifest my dreams into reality. I didn’t understand that a boss could do it on their own. Of course, there is the help of God and my ancestors, but on the physical realm, it’s been me all along. People that I brought along the way taught me that they only wanted the benefit of what I could do for them without the reciprocity of actually helping me build. I’ve learned the lessons to turn my life into blessings. I have a new team and we are all on the same page. Here are three rules that I live by and hope helps others step into their Boss Era.

  1. Bosses don’t have to wear a suit. People always say dress for the job you want, not the job you have. That’s all fine and dandy, but make sure that it’s how you want to present yourself to the world and not what the world deems as how you should present yourself. I have a lot of masculine energy; I’ve had to. I do not look like the things I’ve been through, so it was very important for me to balance that energy. Instead of a suit, I wear dresses. I have learned that I can embrace both masculine and feminine sides of me in business between my demeanor and my dress. It opens me up to a larger market and allows my clients to feel both nurtured and safe.

  2. Bosses can be benevolent. There is no need to rule with an iron fist. The places I have worked at the longest are the ones where my boss understood that I was human and because of that mistakes would happen. I yearn to work with people who understand this concept. It shows that they understand human error. I find that my current employees appreciate that about me, as well, which makes them want to work harder for me. True royals rule with kindness. There is no need to evoke fear when you have others respect.

  3. Bosses can show up as themselves. I am incredibly light hearted and funny. I am also vulnerable.e and fragile at times. I believe it is important to show the multi-dimensions of your character. People want to see the test that helped create your testimony. I do not follow fools, so knowing that I have had lessons and tests that I have overcome is not only encouraging but empowering for people to watch. Being the change I want to see and living authentically create trust within the organization and with my clients.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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Maya Lynne Robinson Maya Lynne Robinson

2023 in Review: The Year of Enlightenment

From the Year of Enlightenment to the Year of Entitlement

Maya Lynne Robinson

2023 was the best and worst year for many people, including myself. I found out just how strong I was and how weak others thought I was. Strength is not only physical, but a mental and spiritual manifestation of power. Those who thought I was broken or that they had broken me figured out too late just how woke I was. Those who wanted my blessings were instead handed my blisters. Those who think they have avoided karma, will soon find that it was only waiting for their complete ignorance.

I found not only myself in 2023, but my voice. I found the places and people where I was celebrated and not tolerated. I found my light again and I reclaimed my blessings. Most of all, I found peace in the solitude that I created. For once I was able to hear my own voice instead of others in my ear. People thought that me being alone would cause me to feel lonely, but in fact the opposite occurred. I began to bloom where others thought I was buried. And I did it quietly.

How did I do it? I hid in plain sight. I showed the world an unapologetically vulnerable version of me. I was or looked broken to the world to figure out who found value in me or in what I could do for them. I listened to the gossip, slander and silence of those who claimed throughout the years to love me and I thanked God for the clarity to discern. This is just the beginning of telling my story. This is just the beginning of understanding and executing my purpose. I now have an international message and mission and I am so excited to share it with you in 2024. No need to rehash all the messages of 2023. 2024 will get the job done.

I look forward to helping and healing with you!

All my love,

Maya Lynne

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