New logo, who dis?

2024 Live in Truth new logo

This picture of a spunky eclipse with a deep and vivacious purple lip color was the perfect, simple and fun logo to match me.

I know what you may be thinking, What is this? What kind of logo is this?! It’s exactly who I am- vivacious and deep, as a friend beautifully described me. I had used more practical words, such as wise and funny to describe myself. I look back at my previous logo and see where I played it practical.

In some ancient cultures, such as the Mayans and the Egyptians, solar eclipses were seen as powerful omens that signaled a time of great change and transformation. I would not call myself religious; I call myself spiritual. I am a balance of energies - masculine and feminine, dark and light, conscious and unconscious - much like the symbolism of an eclipse. When people are seeking a change or a balance in their lives, they reach out to me. And with my very plump, pouty and usually purple lip, I give you the tools to speak your truth into existence. That’s what I do. Also, with this new logo, my personality emerges. I hope you enjoy the new content and that it helps you live an authentic and happy life!

What was I thinking?

Sometimes we play it safe and end up trying to make something mainstream instead of as unique as we are.


Manifestation of My Ideal


Boss Vibes: The Importance Building with Integrity